Expand access to clean water.

JANJI, n. /john-jee/ (Indonesian) — a promise or declaration

Water is a vital part of everyday life and a necessary component to taking the first step on any run. It's our promise to expand access to clean water in the places we run around the world—hence our name, which means "promise" in Indonesian.


Water is a human right!

We are passionate about ensuring access to this critical resource for communities worldwide and spreading the message.


We give 2% of proceeds from every Janji purchase to support clean water projects in the countries that inspire each of our seasonal collections.

our water partners
1-KENYA / Evidence Action

The goal: to install & maintain chlorine dispensers at water sources and help eradicate water borne disease like Cholera

Our impact: our donations, combined with the projects in Uganda, have helped provide 25,000 people with one year of safe water

2-PERU / Water For People

The goal: to co-invest in clean water & sanitation infrastructure through the Everyone Forever initiative

Our impact: our donations have helped bring 150,000 people improved access to water & sanitation services in Peru & Bolivia

3-NEPAL / Splash

The goal: to install clean water filtration systems in all public schools in Kathmandu

Our impact: our donations have helped provide 5,000 kids with access to clean water

4-UGANDA / Evidence Action

The goal: to install & maintain chlorine dispensers at water sources and help eradicate water borne disease like Cholera

Our impact: our donations, combined with the projects in Kenya, have helped provide 25,000 people with one year of safe water

5-BOLIVIA / Water For People

The goal: to co-invest in clean water & sanitation infrastructure through the Everyone Forever initiative

Our impact: our donations have helped bring 150,000 people improved access to water & sanitation services in Peru & Bolivia

6-CAMBODIA / Splash

The goal: to install clean water filtration systems in public schools

Our impact: our donations helped bring clean water to thousands of children in public schools

7-MEXICO / Isla Urbana

The goal: to help build rainwater catchment & filtration systems in water scarce rural regions

Our impact: our donations supported hundreds of families in rural communities with 6 months of clean water off the grid


The goal: to help Manila Water Foundation continue implementing their WASH program in rural areas outside of Manila

Our impact: our donations provided Water Access, Sanitation, and Hygiene education to rural communities across the Philippines


The goal: distribute hygiene products and build hand hygiene facilities in Cape Town & Pretoria communities in need to protect themselves from COVID-19

Our impact: our donations supported many communities with new hand hygiene facilities and hygiene products as part of South Africa's COVID-19 response efforts


The goal: support Environmentalist Foundation of India in helping farmers improve sustainable use of water and promote rainwater harvesting to increase community drinking water sources

Our impact: our donations are ongoing through 2022

11-TEXAS / Communities Foundation

The goal: to support communities affected by water stress due the severe weather in Texas in February 2021

Our impact: our donations supported hundreds of families with emergency supplies, including clean drinking water


The goal: Starting in Fall 2020, Janji Collective membership fees go toward supporting Dig Deep in our renewed effort to address clean water accessibility issues and social inequality within the United States

Our impact: our donations are ongoing through 2022

13-JAVA INDONESIA / Greeneration

The goal: support Greeneration’s work cleaning the world’s dirtiest river, the Citarum, by removing and sorting organic and inorganic matter from the river, then improving regional education to change the behavior of local communities that contribute to water pollution

Our impact: our donations are ongoing through 2022

The Janji logo, or Glogo as we call it, is based on a sinusoidal map projection of the Earth—forming a stylized pangea symbolizing the interconnectedness of our world.


We're in this together!

Chances are, you will feel the effects of water scarcity in your lifetime. Water issues are getting more extreme and widespread as it becomes a problem that we will all face in the future.

By working together, we can create viable solutions and collectively, we can have a greater impact.

This is why we started Janji Collective: our membership program where we give 100% of membership fees to support clean water programs.


A brand new kind of membership program